The use of grinding aids during the powder grinding process helps to improve grinding efficiency and optimize particle morphology. This study selected four types of grinding aids to investigate the effects of the type and dosage of grinding aids on the fineness, specific surface area, agglomeration, cohesion, and surface energy of coal gasification slag after ball milling. The results showed that all four types of grinding aids could significantly improve the fineness of coal gasification slag during ball milling. The molecular weight of the grinding aid was the main factor on the grinding effect; high molecular weight grinding aids were more likely to form a thicker adsorption layer, which was more conducive to increasing the spacing between powder particles and achieving good dispersion. Among them, the use of polycarboxylate superplasticizer as grinding aids had the best comprehensive effect on the grinding of powder. If the dosage of grinding aids was too low or too high, it would have negative effect on the grinding. The best dosage of grinding aid was 0.10% (mass fraction) under this experiment.

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傅 博1,2,程臻赟1,雷 华1
FU Bo1,2, CHENG Zhenyun1, LEI Hua1
Research on the Grinding Properties of Coal Gasification Slag with Grinding Aids
1.北方民族大学土木工程学院,宁夏 银川 750021;#br# 2.国家能源集团宁夏煤业有限责任公司煤炭化学工业技术研究院,宁夏 银川 750411
1. Collage of Civil Engineering, North Minzu University, Yinchuan 720021, China ;
2. Coal Chemical Industry Technology Research Institute of Ningxia Coal Industry Company Limited, Yinchuan 750411, China

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