吸附法由于操作简单且吸附效率高,被广泛用于染料废水处理。罗丹明B(RhB)是染料废水中主要污染物之一,具有高毒性、致癌性,且不易生物降解。本研究以煤气化渣为原料探索多种方法制备不同分子筛吸附剂,并采用多种表征方法分析其理化性质。通过改变初始浓度、pH值等因素,评估吸附剂对RhB的吸附性能。并利用吸附等温线、动力学模型探究吸附过程及其机理。在温度为20 ℃、MCM-41投加量为20 mg、pH值为4、RhB初始浓度为120 mg/L的条件下,饱和吸附量达到171 mg/g,且具有良好的重复使用性能。吸附过程符合伪二级动力学模型和Langmuir等温线模型,表明该过程主要为化学吸附,且为均匀的单分子层吸附。为煤气化渣的资源化利用及废水中RhB的去除提供参考,为高效、稳定吸附剂的开发提供了重要的理论与实验依据。

"/> The adsorption method is widely used in dye wastewater treatment due to its simple operation and high adsorption capacity. Rhodamine B (RhB) is one of the main pollutants in dye wastewater, which is highly toxic, carcinogenic and not easily biodegradable. In this study, different molecular sieves were prepared by using coal gasification slag as raw material, and the physical and chemical properties of the materials were analyzed by various characterization methods. The adsorption performance of the adsorbent on RhB was evaluated by changing factors such as initial concentration, pH value, and other factors. The adsorption process and its mechanism were explored using isotherms and kinetic models. When the temperature was 20 ℃, 20 mg of MCM-41 was added, and the pH value was 4, the saturated adsorption amount of 171 mg/g was obtained under the condition of RhB being 120 mg/L, and it had good reusability. The adsorption process was consistent with the pseudo-second-order kinetic model and the Langmuir isotherm model, indicating that the adsorption process was dominated by chemical adsorption and was a uniform monolayer adsorption. It provides a reference for the resource utilization of coal gasification slag and the removal of RhB from wastewater, and provides an important theoretical and experimental basis for the development of efficient and stable adsorbents.

"/> 以煤气化渣为原料制备分子筛高效吸附水中罗丹明B及机理研究 [an error occurred while processing this directive]
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张永霖1,宋 智1,2,刘嘉璐1,刘伯霞3
1.北方民族大学化学与化学工程学院,宁夏太阳能化学转化技术重点实验室,国家民委化学工程与技术重点实验室,宁夏 银川750021;
2.国家能源集团宁夏煤业有限责任公司煤炭化学工业技术研究院,宁夏 银川750411;
3.北方民族大学生物科学与工程学院,宁夏 银川750021
Adsorption of Rhodamine B in Water by Molecular Sieve Prepared from Coal Gasification Residue and Its Mechanism
ZHANG Yonglin1, SONG Zhi1, 2, LIU Jialu1, LIU Boxia3
1. School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Ningxia Key Laboratory of Solar Chemical Conversion Technology, Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering and Technology of the State Ethnic Afairs Commission, North Minzu University, Yinchuan 750021, China;
2. Coal Chemical Industry Technology Research Institute of Ningxia Coal Industry Company Limited, Yinchuan 750411, China;
3. School of Biological Sciences and Engineering, North Minzu University, Yinchuan 750021, China

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